Reverse Raffle

Occurring annually on a Saturday around the anniversary of the September 11th attacks, this is our major fundraiser of the year.  Tickets are necessary for the event and your ticket is also your lucky number for the reverse raffle and your chance to win the $5000.00 grand prize.  There are only 343 tickets sold, each ticket representing one of the firefighters that was killed during the suppression and rescue efforts at the World Trade Center.  Two catered dinners are provided with your single ticket purchase and entry. During the evening, various other games of chance are offered with winnings including firearms, consumer goods and additional cash prizes.  Or place your bid for your favorite item on display in our silent auction or run with the big dogs in the live auction. Whatever your choices are to support the Northern Ohio FOOLS that evening, rest assured that your donations will go to a great cause and will be used for future firefighter training, keeping our Honor Guard properly outfitted or assisting local firefighters in need. 

2019 Reverse Raffle