About Us
The Northern Ohio F.O.O.L.S. (Fraternal Order of Leatherheads Society) Chapter was established in May 2004. It is our goal to bring together the areas most dedicated men and women of the fire service.
The Leatherhead is a term used for a firefighter who uses the leather helmet for protection from the hazards we face everyday on the streets. The Leather Helmet, is an international sign of a Firefighter, a symbol that is significant in not only tradition from the early years of firefighting, but one of bravery, integrity, honor and pride. The helmet is a sign of who we are, not what we are.
The F.O.O.L.S., like the traditional leather helmet, has always existed throughout the brotherhood of the fire service, and will continue to grow and flourish as long as there are fires to fight and emergencies to respond to. The F.O.O.L.S. are about the brotherhood and tradition that the fire service is based on. When we are in our gear, and trying to make our way down the dark smokey hallway, we are all the same. All that matters is that you have my back, and I have yours. We do not care if you are a chief, a recruit, a volunteer or a career firefighter, a male, a female or the color of your skin. All we ask is that you are true to your brother and sister firefighter, and to the fire service. All firefighters are welcome to be a part of this great organization; one does not have to own a leather helmet to be considered a “Leatherhead”. Our membership is growing everyday, and we encourage you to join the F.O.O.L.S..
The F.O.O.L.S. are not a political organization. We are about preserving the tradition and heritage of the fire service and taking care of our brother and sister firefighters. We have been involved with fundraisers, charity events, and free training for firefighters. We believe that this part of what being a member of the F.O.O.L.S. is all about.
The F.O.O.L.S. believe in providing real fire training for real firefighters. We believe that it is our duty to be as well trained as we possibly can. This can only keep us, and our brothers and sisters safe on the fire ground. We owe it to ourselves, our brothers and sisters, their families, and to the citizens we protect.
We believe in Pride: In our departments, in our stations, in our apparatus, and pride in ourselves.
One last thing that we ask of each and every one of you, let us never, ever forget those that have gone before us in the line of duty. Because those brave souls have given all, it is up to us to keep them alive in our hearts and our memories.
A peek inside the Northern Ohio F.O.O.L.S.

We are just a group of small town guys who all believe in the same thing (training-brotherhood-tradition and-honor). We meet most times in a storage unit where we keep our truck. This is truly grassroots, this is just a small group of people, who prove that hard work and a gritty spirit to better the fire service can accomplish just that.